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Monday Meditations

Joshua 1:8  "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

 Meditate -means to contemplate, reflect, be deep in thought.

This section is to help us start the week off right, meditating on God's Word and using it to encourage one another!  The verse above is the sole premise of the idea of "Monday Meditations" and we pray it's a blessing to whoever reads it!


Almost....is not enough.

Last Sunday our Pastor preached a message entitled "Almost". It was so profound, I continue to think about it. I supposed you could say I've been meditating on it ever since I've heard it. How simply obvious to say that if you ALMOST have something, you DON'T have it. I think there are so many people who "almost" have salvation, and think they're ok....yet they miss the boat entirely!
Matthew 7:14 "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT! I think one of the most heartbreaking stories in the Bible is that of King Agrippa. He was SO close to turning to Christ, he was one of those that ALMOST had it, yet the Bible never gives account of him actually getting saved. The following phrase is one that breaks my heart, because I know that just like King Agrippa, I personally know people who have essentially said this very thing!
Acts 26:28 "Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."

King Agrippa, like many in this world, are almost persuaded, almost saved - but even being so close they are still ENTIRELY lost! If you have 80% of something, you still do NOT have it!! I know of people who have come so close to getting saved, yet they end up rejecting Christ and deciding to live for self and remain lost in their sin. How tragic!!

I'm reminded of this sobering Hymn written by Philip Bliss.
Almost Persuaded
(1) "Almost persuaded" now to believe;
"Almost persuaded" Christ to receive:
Seems now some soul will say,
"Go, Spirit, go Thy way;
Some more convenient day
On Thee I'll call."
(2) "Almost persuaded," come, come today;
"Almost persuaded," turn not away:
Jesus invites you here,
Angels are lingering near,
Prayers rise from hearts so dear,
O wanderer, come.
(3) "Almost persuaded," harvest is past!
"Almost persuaded," doom comes at last!
"Almost" cannot avail,
"Almost" is but to fail!
Sad, sad, that bitter wail,
"Almost," but lost!

Almost, but lost. Don't be that person who is "almost persuaded" to take salvation seriously. Don't be that person who is "almost persuaded" to seriously examine your soul's condition. Don't be that person who is almost....but lost.

Think on these things as you go throughout your week...