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Monday, July 12, 2010

Being Content

Phil 4:11 "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." KJV or "Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am." AMP

Isn't it wonderful when God speaks to us? When Lauren and I designed this "Monday Meditations" page, we were looking for a way to share what the Lord had laid on our hearts the past week. This week, I experienced a deep, personal tragedy in my family. I was feeling very low and very upset. I was praying for Him to speak to me. And, as He always does, He did speak to me! Thank you, Lord!

During sunday school, while having all sorts of things rolling around in my mind, Bro. Rich Daniels (a very Godly man, who I truly believe is led by the Lord in our class) was prompted to spend a moment on the verse listed above, Phil 4:11. I knew instantly this was God trying to tell me how to deal with this tragedy, how to cope with the hurt.

Being content is certainly not an easy task, particularly when things are going on around us that leave us troubled, worried, cast down, or in despair. In this verse, the word "content" is a Greek term meaning "to be self-sufficient, to be satisfied, to have enough." It indicates an established independence, a lack of necessity for aid or help. I want to make very clear that it DOES NOT mean that you "don't care" when something happens; it does not call for passionless, frigid carelessness. God created us to have deep emotions and feelings. To "not care" in the face of trouble is not how our Father wants us to be. We, as saved-by-His-wonderful-grace christians, are to be full of His Spirit, His love, His purpose. When we are full of Him, being who He wants us to be, and continually looking to Him, He will fill our need. We will be "satisfied" in Him, we will "have enough" to get through.

I am looking to Him as I go through this valley. I will rely on Him, pray to Him, and let Him work His wonders in me and through me. I am still learning "in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content", but God will satisfy this need in me, and I will be stronger and closer to Him for it!

Thank you, Lord. I love You.


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