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Thursday, July 15, 2010

~Making Time~

Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

I've certainly been busy these past few weeks, and I'm sure that you can relate! I enjoy the various activities I'm involved with, and am grateful for my many hobbies. However, something that I'm realizing more and more is that you MUST make time for the important things in life. We could seriously stay busy doing things 24-7. I seem to always have housework to do, a meal to fix, pictures to edit, jewelry to make, the list goes on and on- a woman's work is NEVER done. :-)
I have to ask the following questions though -How many of us go throughout each day without even stopping to read our Bible and spend time with our Lord? How many of us get so wrapped up in our daily chores that we forget to show our spouse and children how much we love them? I think we are all guilty of neglecting the important things from time to time.
This past week I've had my sister, Heidi, and brother Silas out here visiting. We've had a good time, but I can tell you that I haven't been getting as much done. I haven't made jewelry, hardly cleaned house (I'm planning to put them to work though-shhh!), edited pictures, practiced piano, etc. It's easy to get somewhat frantic thinking that you're getting behind on everything. I had to stop and realize that I'm making time for my family. They are SO much more important than anyTHING I can do. Cultivating relationships with family will always be more worthwhile. So what if you get behind on a few household chores (just do what I'm going to do and put your family to work!-muahaha)
In all seriousness, MAKING TIME for our Lord, family and others is what life is all about.
The verse below causes me to always re-examine how wisely I'm spending the time that the Lord has given me.

James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

"Only one life, so soon will pass, only what's done for Christ will last."
Focus on the eternal, for the here and now is so temporal. Do you know for sure you're saved by the blood of Jesus Christ? Are your sins forgiven? Do you know where YOU will spend eternity?
If you are indeed saved - are you becoming too wrapped up with your day to day schedule? Have you taken time to let your spouse know how much you appreciate them? Have you stopped to hug and cherish your children?
When we MAKE TIME for what is truly important, we'll be amazed how the other things will just fall into place.

I'm filled with thankfulness for my wonderful husband, and family that the Lord has blessed me with!


1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Thank you, Lauren, for putting what's most important in perspective! Your pics are great!!
