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Friday, August 20, 2010

5 Years Ago Today, I Said Yes!

Song of Solomon 3:4 "but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go"

My engagement story...

5 years ago today, I was a cashier at Lowe's Home Improvement. I don't know how many of you have ever been a cashier, but let's just say--it's not always the most pleasant of jobs... Ha ha... But this day was different. I was having a GREAT day at work. Actually, the whole day had been great... Also, I knew I was going to be going on a date to a fancy restaurant later that evening with Scott, so I was already in a great mood. : )

I remember talking to Scott on my lunch break, and telling him what a good day I was having. He said something to the effect that it would be even better later, but I didn't give that too much thought.

So, after a long, but good day at work--I went over to Scott's house to change clothes, put on some makeup, and fix the hair for our date. We had plenty of time, so I was taking my time (which was exactly was he was planning on). But, I couldn't decide what to wear--I had brought two outfits... A dress or nice pants... I never can decide these things... So I put on the dress and decided to ask Scott what he thought.

I remember opening the bathroom door and seeing rose petals on the floor leading to the living room--and... I CLOSED THE DOOR! Yes. I did. I didn't see Scott, and I was worried he wasn't ready! Ha! (I later found out that he had everything ready, but put in the closet, so he could grab and set up quickly--since he wasn't sure just how much time I would give him. He's the best!)

Scott had heard the door close, so he came a got me. He lead me into our living room, with this beautiful set up...

Yes, that is a big, ugly boar head on our wall. Another story, another day. : )

Isn't it beautiful? Our favorite, romantic cd playing in the background. The couch and table covered in white. Cheese and crackers. Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice. A framed picture of us. A framed poem he had written for me. Lit candles. Rose petals everywhere. A dozen roses. And a thirteenth rose with a special something tied to it...

He brought me over to the couch. I sat down, and HE KNEELED DOWN. Oh, my soul. It still gets my heart pounding! He told me all things wonderful and sweet. Then, he pulled the thirteenth rose out of the vase and asked the question. It was like magic. The cd was even playing our most favorite song at that moment--at our favorite part! Of course, I hugged him and said an absolute "YES" through the beginning tears. It. Was. Perfect.

Soon thereafter, we went on our date, calling everyone to tell them the news!

What a great day. It will forever be in my memory.

Scott, Thank you. You have been a wonderful husband, and now you are a wonderful father, too! I truly love you more and more everyday.

Yours always, only, and forever,


Song of Solomon 2:16 "My beloved is mine, and I am his"

1 comment:

  1. I am a friend of laurens and I just noticed that you had your 5th anniversary! congrats! isn't God good! my hubby and i have been married for 5 years on Aug 20th! I am so thankful for my best friend!
