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Monday, August 2, 2010

In EVERYTHING, give thanks!

1 Thessalonians. 5:18 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Do you suffer from Complaineritis? ;-) Do you give thanks to God even when you don't "feel" like it?

To say that my husband and I have had a busy week, would be putting it very lightly. Hence, my lack of blogging. However, as I was sitting in church yesterday morning, and listening to one of my favorite preachers (my Father in law), the Lord spoke to my heart.

The verse above was mentioned and my Father-in-law preached about how we are to give thanks in every situation, no matter what. Are you the type of person who complains at the drop of a hat, or do you see the "good" in every situation and remember to give thanks? I was convicted of this, because while I strive to be thankful, I had been guilty of being a complainer. This past week I have been traveling, going non-stop, not getting much sleep, etc. Instead of praising God for safe travels, time spent with my wonderful husband, the opportunity to be a blessing to others, etc. I chose to have a couple of complaining moments (ok, more than a couple).

Can I just take a commercial break and say that we as Americans are so spoiled, we have no idea what it is to truly have need of anything! We complain about the most insignificant things, that it's almost humorous....almost.

Ok, back to the Monday Meditation

The verse above commands Christians to give thanks, in EVERYTHING. I was convicted of my complaining spirit and confessed it to the Lord! My desire is to be someone that reflects Christ and sees His blessings in every situation, no matter how tired and weary I may be. It's no excuse!

The verse above doesn't say "In everything give thanks, except when you're tired." It also doesn't say "In everything give thanks, except when you really don't feel like it." Why then, do we live in such a way that you'd think it's what the verse says?
As I reflect on the busy week my husband and I had, I am now looking at it with a totally different mindset. I am thanking the Lord for his protection, the time spent with my husband, time spent with family and friends, the many laughs, and the opportunity to meet new people.

The next time you are having a "bad day", start counting your many blessings aloud and you will really be surprised at how quickly your outlook will change!
We as Christians are to live in such a way that we reflect the joy of the Lord to those around us, counting our blessings and giving thanks in EVERYTHING is key!

Have a thankful Monday, everyone!!



  1. Thanks Lauren for this GREAT post. It was a great message, wasn't it? It convicted me too! God is good!

  2. Lauren, thanks for writing this! It was a great reminder, as sometimes it's easy to complain. Having a thankful and non-complaining attitude is something I need to strive for everyday! :-) See you this weekend at Cherith's wedding!
