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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Gourd-geous" Candle Holders

Whenever I see these adorable baby gourds and pumpkins in the grocery store, I can't resist buying a few of them! I mean - they're wayy too cute to pass up!! They're small, colorful, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, once you get them home, they generally just sit on a shelf (and collect dust) as part of your Autumn decor.

What if I told you that I have an amazing craft that allows you to re-purpose these cuties and actually make them useful??

~This craft is fast, easy, and adorable - perfect for Autumn!..... it took me all of 5 minutes from start to finish (that's my kind of craft!).!

What you will need: 3 gourds (preferably with flat bottoms), tea lights, sharp serrated knife, and a spoon for cleaning out the inside of gourds.

Cut the tops off each gourd, and gently cut a hole in the top, cutting out the majority of the flesh. Take your spoon and scoop out the inside until clean. If your gourd doesn't "sit" level, feel free to cut off whatever you need on the bottom to allow it to sit nicely.

Votive candles also work in this craft, but tea lights are recommended. Fit your tea lights into each gourd, making sure that they fit snugly and securely. You now are the proud owner of some incredibly festive and unique candle holders!!

These would make a lovely addition to any table setting! Use them as part of your centerpiece for Thanksgiving!! Make a romantic and festive candlelight dinner for your love. Or simply use them to add a bit of ambiance to your seasonal decor. There's nothing quite like relaxing by "Gourd-geous" candlelight.



  1. I would like to try this deco but how long will it stay before the pumpkin goes bad.

  2. Hi Silvia,
    I didn't do anything special to preserve my gourds for this craft. I hollowed them out to prevent the inner flesh from rotting.
    Due to their hard skin, they should last for a while. I made mine with the intent of throwing them out once my Christmas decorating starts.
    I suppose you could probably brush some type of sealant in the inside and around the outside of your gourd. You would probably want to allow plenty of time for the gourd to dry though, before you did that.

    I hope this helps. Thanks for your comment!

