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Monday, October 4, 2010

MM: Proverbs 27:1

Proverbs 27:1 "Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."

So--this morning as I sat down to do my Bible study--there was a lot rolling around in my mind....

Let's see... My house needs some serious work. I'm a few photo shoots behind in editing. I need to can green beans. I need to get my apple butter going. Need to take my son outside and let him play. Did I eat breakfast? I didn't get all of my "Weekend of Flowers" posts up. Need to make those flowers to post. : ) So on and so on...

I'm not here to complain today. I am very grateful for this day! : ) But as I prayed that God would show me how He wanted me to start my day... What He wanted to tell me... What I need to keep in mind... The above verse was what He led me to.

"For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Isn't that too true? Just as with my flower posts--you better believe that I had every intention of getting them up! : ) But, the day "brought forth" the unexpected--causing me to re-prioritize the day--I had to accept that they were not going to make it...

James 4:14-15 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow...For that ye ought to say, "If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.""

I really love this verse. "If the Lord will, we shall live"--I feel so secure in Him, whether I know exactly what His will for me is, that He has it all under control... All of my circumstances, needs, wants... You know the song: "He's got the whooooooooole world, in His hands..." : )

God truly has been working on me and changing me here lately. Providing me, through His incredible Word, more and more clarity everyday about my life. About who and how He wants me to be. And you know what? That's exactly what I have been praying for.

So what am I trying to say this morning? : )

A couple of things:

1) Sorry that the "Weekend of Flowers" was not quite such. I will get the rest of the intended flowers up--and I hope you love them as much as I do! : )

2) The more important one--"If the Lord will, we shall live" How powerful. I want to live today... For Him, about Him, through Him, secured in Him. I want to do all He wants me to do. I can feel the excitement welling up inside me as I type this out. : D

Acts 17:28 "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being"

I'm so grateful for today. I'm excited about all that is in store for me today.

And speaking of... I bess' get to it!

Thank you, Lord!


1 comment:

  1. one of the mistries of life,not knowing what tomorrow will bring, even thou we plan but most of the time nothing happenes as we planned but in all the Lord provides the strength and capabilities to do all we can in a day(Thank the Lord for every day).
