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Thursday, October 7, 2010

TuTu TuTorial! Part 1

Tutu's are TOO TOO CUTE! They have recently become a popular prop in the photography world and with Halloween just around the corner the possibilities are endless! This is a no-sew tutu, so it is super easy and quick to make!

What You'll Need:

* Tulle, in whatever color or colors you want.
You can purchase Tulle by the yard, or you can buy rolls of tulle like I did.

* Scissors

* Ruler or Measuring Tape

* Elastic
I used 1/4 inch wide elastic.

The great thing about this tutu is that it has an elastic waist. Once made it can expand to fit a growing child for many years!

First, grab your elastic and estimate the size waist you want the tutu to fit. In the end you want the elastic to be a little shorter than the waist measurement, but for now keep the elastic longer.

I found that it is easiest to do this project with the each end of the elastic taped to a wall. Do not stretch the elastic when doing this.

Next, we need to cut our tulle.

Tulle on a roll is so convenient because it usually comes 6 inches wide. You only have to measure the length. There really is no set length or width you have to use. Just keep in mind how long you want your tutu to be and double that length.

We will be folding the strips of tulle in half so for example, if you wanted a 12 inch long tutu then cut your strips 24 inches long. I cut my strips 30 inches long. The larger the waist you are fitting the more strips you will need to cut.

My tutu was for a beautiful girl, named Adriana, who is 6 years old. I cut 30 strips of tulle for her tutu. If you purchased tulle by the yard, then just cut the length and width of strips you want to use.

After all strips are cut, start tying the strips onto your elastic. I am not sure the name of the knot that's used--so to better illustrate the knot, I made you a pretty picture:

Gently tighten the knot around the elastic. Do this with the rest of your strips until you think you have enough.

Remove your tutu from the wall and tie a double knot. Cut off the excess elastic and the knot will be hidden within the tulle.

You can easily glam up your tutu by adding a ribbon, flowers, or feather boas to the waist!

This weekend, I will be posting another Crafty Creation which will show you how to sew another type of tutu with a ribbon edge!


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