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Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane....

I am sitting here at my Grandma's house in the "Mile High City" as I write this. I LOVE Denver and I'm enjoying being here with my family. I have to say that it's truly a walk down memory lane. Being an Air Force "brat" I'm rarely able to return to places that hold memories for me, but Denver is one of them. It's the one place that I've been returning to for years, and it's quite nostalgic. I have lots of family here and every visit is accompanied with a flood of memories of times gone by.
This "Thankful Thursday" I'm praising the Lord for several things - One being, we left ND right as the first winter storm was approaching!!! We prayed for good traveling weather and it was as if the Lord parted the storm clouds for us and gave us clear skies. The weather radar showed that bad weather was all around us, but we had a beautiful path of blue skies to travel by despite!

I'm also praising the Lord for my family. I used to live with my grandparents and just being back at their house brings back so many wonderful memories. I'm thankful to be able to take that "walk down memory lane" and know that it holds precious, wonderful memories. There are so many who haven't been as fortunate to have had a loving family, and lots of wonderful memories. It's a blessing to be able to reflect on all that has happened over the years, while spending time with my aunts, uncles, cousins, and relatives that I rarely see.

In addition to this, we're here to help celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday! My Grandma is so cute! She's funny, stylish, looks 60 (instead of 80) and even has an Ipad! She's techy, stylish, funny, and almost everyone thinks she's Betty White's twin!
My Grandfather passed away four years ago, and we miss him immensely. I'm so grateful to still have my grandma here with us, she means a lot to me and I'm thankful to still have her in my life. Cherishing our loved ones while we can is so important!

I'm signing off to go spend time with my family now.....have a Thankful Thursday, everyone!! :-)


p.s. I would've included a picture of my Grandma in this post, but she refuses until I'm able to take some good portraits of her. haha!


  1. dont be fooled. your grandma IS Betty White!!! I knows it!

  2. You sound like you're having an awesome time. God is soooo good isn't he! Hope you have a safe trip back and hopfully we can hang out and watch a movie soon!

  3. That was me (Morgan), I was confused by the "comment as" haha
