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Friday, December 10, 2010

Festive Fabric Flower

If you can't tell by now...We LoOove Fabric Flowers! Today, I am going to show how to make this fun and festive flower headband! Make it for yourself to wear or make it as a last minute Christmas gift!

I am using this gorgeous silver and red sequined fabric, but any fabric will do. I wanted to use both colors of fabric so I cut a 1 1/2 x 22 inch strip of both fabrics, placed the pretty sides together and sew a 1/2 inch from the edge down the entire length of fabric. The length of fabric you will need will vary depending on what size flower you want, but my strip of fabric measured 2 x 22 inches after I sew the two colors together.

To make this headband you will also need:

* A Hot Glue Gun
* Elastic
* Pipe Cleaners
* Felt

For my flower I twisted the ends of two pipe cleaners together to form a longer pipe cleaner. Begin by hot glueing your fabric strip to the end of the pipe cleaner. Start wrapping your fabric around the pipe cleaner and hot glue in place after a few twists.

Your fabric doesn't have to be wrapped perfectly. In fact, I think the messier the better : ) Keep wrapping and glueing your fabric until you run out of fabric. Cut off the excess pipe cleaner if you have any.

Start at one end and begin twisting the fabric into a spiral. Glue in place ever so often to keep things from untwisting.

After twisting the entire length secure in place with hot glue.

Next I made an elastic headband for the flower.

Cut a piece of felt out that is slightly smaller than your flower.

Stretch your elastic around your head to measure out the fit you want. Cut your elastic to size and place the middle of the elastic in the middle of your felt. Secure the elastic to the felt with a line of stitches. I am using a bright color of thread so you can see where my stitches are place but you should probably use matching thread : )

Now overlap the ends of your elastic and stitch together.

Before gluing the flower to the felt I glued down some ostrich feathers.

All that's left to do is to hot glue your flower onto your felt!

Here is what the back of the headband looks like...

And here is what it looks like on my head! :D

If you decide to make this flower or any other fabric flower we have previously shown you how to make (here), we would LOVE to see it! Send us a pic and we'll put it on the blog!

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!



  1. I have loved all of the fabric flower posts, including this one! I have a baby girl due on Jan. 13th and I will be making these for her to wear XD !

    Thanks for the instructions!

    - Momma to be

  2. I can't believe these are so easy. I used to look at fabric flowers and wonder how they are made and now I know! Much easier than I thought.
