About US

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Studio!

Well... You've been asking... And now it's finally here! Pics of the studio! (Ok--so maybe just Lauren and Jes have been asking--but still...)

A little background: Our studio is located in historic, Downtown Dandridge, TN. If you live 'round these parts--you'll hear our studio called the "Old Ford Building". Built in 1945--it's so cool.

Anyways, Scott and I had been praying about what to do in regards to our photography business. A lot. And, long story short--the Lord led us to and blessed us beyond measure with this building!

We had a lot on our plates! Lots to do inside to make this, once car dealership, a photo studio--and yet still retain the history and richness of the building.

Here is what it looks like right now. We still have so many plans--but all things in His time! : )

This is what you see when you walk in the front door. Scott built two rooms in the studio for changing and an office. The black door here goes to a changing room.

The closed door is the office. The open door is the changing room.

Here is our Christmas tree just for the studio! It's black and silver--and I'm crazy about it! : )

And some special ornaments "MJP". Awwww.... : )

View from the picture takin' area. Lots of wonderful, huge windows...

Our sitting area. The couch and tables were a gift. I am so thankful, grateful, and near speechless... Thank you!

Here is where some of the magic happens... : )

Where the viewing happens after a shoot.

While you sit here.

Some table decor.

I love these checker board looking things. Actually, they're place mats I found at Pier 1 on sale!! : D

This is in the changing room. I found this old window on the side of the road and fell in love! I want one for home.

The vanity and rocker in the changing area.

All of these things we found on sale in various places...

I can't express how grateful I am to God for all He had done and helped us accomplish. I am also ever so thankful to my husband and family for all they have done and helped with.

And that's pretty much it! Hope you all enjoyed!

Call and book an appointment soon!!!!!! : D



  1. AHHHHH!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! I can't wait to see it in person! I'll be down there in 2 more days! SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!!!! - Jes

  2. WOW!! What an awesome studio! You are SO blessed!

  3. Very nice! What a great studio! Very nice & classy! I pray the Lord continues to bless your business!
